Bird Songs

Among the Kumeyaay, that I know, there are a series of songs called Bird Songs.  People like them and there is a lot of fun associated with them.  This fun includes a type of social dance.  There is a very serious side since the same songs are associated with funerals and wakes.  I have wondered how the same songs can be used for both occasions but I just know that it is so.  The songs don't deal with birds but it is more of a style.  According to my late Grandpa the dancing used to look something like birds jumping but the dancing style has changed since he was young and now it kind of looks like walking.  Actually some of the dance steps are very difficult but you will not notice it if you are an outsider.  In fact you might think the songs are the same but there are hundreds of them and they are all different.  Like I said if you are an outsider you kind of won't get it.  Many people don't know what the individual songs are about and some Kumeyaay don't really want outsiders to know.

Other than Bird Songs there used to be other styles like Lightening, Tipi, Bobcat or Salt.  There are many other styles that have passed in recent history.  Some of these rare styles are being re-learned and are spreading again.  There is a funny story about a Jewish guy who learned Lightening songs.  He stayed with the ;people and also learned their language.  He moved away for decades and one day came back.  He found the old singers were passed on and he was the only one who knew the style.  He taught the style and people picked it up.  The only problem is that everyone now sings it with a Jewish accent.  This does happen as one of the other styles was saved by the Piaute Indians and the Kumeyaay are re-learning from them but now it is sung with a Piaute accent.

These rare styles will be brought back.  As you notice I am not really zeroing in exact descriptions because some Kumeyaay believe that it is not for outsiders.  

Pictures of Gourd Rattles

If you want to hear some birdsongs and you don't know the password click down here. You must have RealPlayer installed.  It is a free program anyway so just go to their site at and get it.  These songs are from my wedding 30 years ago.  Yeah, I am married to the same person.  All the singers and the dancers who are making the noise have passed on long ago.

Click here for the origins of birdsongs given by a real bird singer.

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Among the Kumeyaay, that I know, there are a series of songs called Bird Songs.  People like them and there is a lot of fun associated with them.  This fun includes a type of social dance.  There is a very serious side since the same songs are associated with funerals and wakes.  I have wondered how the same songs can be used for both occasions but I just know that it is so.  The songs don't deal with birds but it is more of a style.  According to my late Grandpa the dancing used to look something like birds jumping but the dancing style has changed since he was young and now it kind of looks like walking.  Actually some of the dance steps are very difficult but you will not notice it if you are an outsider.  In fact you might think the songs are the same but there are hundreds of them and they are all different.  Like I said if you are an outsider you kind of won't get it.  Many people don't know what the individual songs are about and some Kumeyaay don't really want outsiders to know.

Other than Bird Songs there used to be other styles like Lightening, Tipi, Bobcat or Salt.  There are many other styles that have passed in recent history.  Some of these rare styles are being re-learned and are spreading again.  There is a funny story about a Jewish guy who learned Lightening songs.  He stayed with the ;people and also learned their language.  He moved away for decades and one day came back.  He found the old singers were passed on and he was the only one who knew the style.  He taught the style and people picked it up.  The only problem is that everyone now sings it with a Jewish accent.  This does happen as one of the other styles was saved by the Piaute Indians and the Kumeyaay are re-learning from them but now it is sung with a Piaute accent.

These rare styles will be brought back.  As you notice I am not really zeroing in exact descriptions because some Kumeyaay believe that it is not for outsiders.  

Pictures of Gourd Rattles

If you want to hear some birdsongs and you don't know the password click down here. You must have RealPlayer installed.  It is a free program anyway so just go to their site at and get it.  These songs are from my wedding 30 years ago.  Yeah, I am married to the same person.  All the singers and the dancers who are making the noise have passed on long ago.

Click here for the origins of birdsongs given by a real bird singer.